Thursday, May 04, 2006

Cool organic tool

More on organic produce!

I found this on the Food News site at You can click on produce individually or make what you wish and it spits out a list of pesticides on each food, both conventionally and organically grown.

This is from that page:

"Produce "Scanner"
What pesticides would you likely find in the food you eat?
Wouldn't it be nice if the cashier gave you a printout of the pesticides in the food you buy when you're at the grocery store? Well, until that technology gets here, use the FoodNews Produce Scanner to see how many and which pesticides likely came along for the ride from the market. Try mixing up a fruit salad, making a garden salad with vegetables,or take a stroll up the produce aisle and compare fruits and vegetables together.
Of course, the FoodNews Produce Scanner is just a simulation. The results are based on the best available data from the federal government and the State of California. But read on and you will see how close to reality it is."

Have fun!

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