Saturday, January 14, 2006

One more one more one more try

So the majority of my friends are not going to hear about this blog until I actually keep it going for longer than a month. Not sure how many blogs I've started.... But growing up, I'd get journals as gifts or on a whim or on a discipline binge and I'd write in them for a max of a few weeks or days. Then you'd see a page break and the date would start two years later with something like "Well, it's two years later and we've moved across the country again and now I like this guy and..." to be followed by several pages of what had happened in those two years.

So, I figure it's time in my life that there is no possible reason for me not to be able to keep a journal, an almost daily report of life. I'm not looking at it as a discipline, because that's killed it soooo many times--residue of being a preacher's daughter. I'm looking at this as simply recording my meandering life and thoughts and trying to make sense of it all. That's it.

A bit about me: I'm a girl, wife, mother, writer, photographer, singer, actor, brainstormer, Earth mama, Christian (but not one of those), Dune Tolkien Firefly Jane Austen Dr. Strangelove Greg Boyd fan, great starter working-on-it finisher, multitasker, recovering perfectionist, lover of books and people. And that's only a start. So hang on for a ride. (not promising any particular sort of ride; just a ride)

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